The Principles of Implementation of rights in the Ecuadorian Constitution: a view from the doctrine and jurisprudence

  • Esteban Javier Polo Pazmiño Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Quito, Ecuador)
Keywords: Principles, Rights, Guarantees, Human Dignity, Ecuadorian Constitutionalism


The specialized doctrine in the country has deeply studied several of the rights recognized in our legal system; however, the development of the principles which render viable the exercise of such rights, remains limited. This work, precisely, aims to examine the so-called principles of application of the rights, in order to properly understand the purpose and usefulness in the current constitutional model. Within the Ecuadorian Constitution, these principles were foreseen as guiding and transversal postulates destined to create the conditions necessary policy and interpretation, for which the rights are fully exercised and, if applicable, protected and repaired. Through this essay, the content and scope of all the principles of application of the rights recognized in the Ecuadorian Constitution will be analyzed, from a doctrinal and jurisprudential perspective, which is evidenced by the manner in which they have been designed from the academic forum and in the practice of the courts. This paper will initially examine, on a general overview, the legal principles and the particular application principles, in order to subsequently address each of the postulates included on the 11th article of the Constitution. Its study will allow to have a general prospect that, in no way, tries to exhaust the debate nor to impose the content of each principle, but to reflect on its conceptualization from a particular doctrinal and jurisprudential sector's perspective.


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Author Biography

Esteban Javier Polo Pazmiño, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Quito, Ecuador)

Profesor invitado, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito (Ecuador). Máster en Derecho Constitucional, Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha, Toledo (España). Especialista Superior en Derecho Constitucional, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Abogado, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito.


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How to Cite
Polo Pazmiño, E. (2018). The Principles of Implementation of rights in the Ecuadorian Constitution: a view from the doctrine and jurisprudence. Ius Humani. Law Journal, 7, 223-247.