Meaning and Treatment of Nature Rights
The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador of 2008 has established rights in favor of the nature, including constitutional reserves for its creation. During these years, these rights have been better defined by legislation and jurisprudence, as it is shown in the present investigation.
In this way, there have been several constitutional protection actions to enforce these rights and specially for guarantee the right of nature and its integral conservation, the suspension of works had already been stopped temporary before obtain the environmental permits from the government in order to generate environmental impacts. Judges have applied the precautionary principle and activities, have suspended some works, in spite of lack of scientific evidence; and rights have been weighted in order to allow restriction to private property, so that remediation tasks are performed an environmental event is achieved and to guarantee the right of nature restoration.
Antequera, J.C. (2004). El deber jurídico de restauración ambiental. Granada: Comares.
Gudynas, E. (2011). Los derechos de la naturaleza en serio. Respuestas y aportes desde la ecología política. En A. y. Acosta, La Naturaleza con derechos: De la filosofía a la política. Quito: Abya-Yala.
Melo, M. (2008). Buen vivir, naturaleza y nacionalidades en la nueva Constitución ecuatoriana: una lectura esperanzada. Quito: ALAI. En: (recuperado el 1-XII-2016).
Real Academia de la Lengua (2014). Diccionario de la lengua española, 23ª ed. Madrid: Espasa.
Estados Unidos: caso Sierra Club vs. Morton.
Corte Provincial de Loja, caso 11121-2011-0010.
Corte Provincial de Pichincha, Sala 3ª de Garantías Penales, sentencia de 19-VII-2013, caso 2013-0098.
Juzgado 16º de lo Civil de Pichincha de 1-III-2013, caso 2013-0055.
Juzgado 2º de lo Civil y Mercantil de Galápagos, caso 269-2012.
Tribunal Provincial de Esmeraldas, caso 08242-2013-0053, providencia de 7-V-2013.
Acuerdo Ministerial 169 (R.O. 655 de 7-III-2012).
Codificación Ley de Gestión Ambiental (R.O. Supl. 418 de 10-IX-2004).
Código Orgánico General de Procesos.
Constitución de la República del Ecuador (R.O. 449 de 20-X-2008).
Ley Org. de Garantías Jurisdiccionales y Control Constitucional (R.O. Supl. 52 de 22-X-2009).
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (2015). Texto Unificado de la Legislación Ambiental Secundaria. Quito (R.O. 316 de 4-V-2015).
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