Analisys Of The Decision Issued In The Case “The Big Brother”

  • Santiago Guarderas Izquierdo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Keywords: Moral Damage, Freedom Of Expression, Requiring Prejudication, Solidarity Or Several Liability, Indemnity, Freedom Of Expresision


This article presents a brief analysis of the decision issued in the case known as “The Big Brother” with particular emphasis in the aspects in which the decision incurs in juridical errors.  It departs from an objective revision which does not anticipate an opinion regarding the responsibility determined for defendants.  On the contrary it is focused in those elements lessening merits to the decision and its grounds which are not consistent with the applicable juridical system, even independently from the main decision. Subjects such as the requirement of prejudication in matters of indemnity in case of damages derived from a crime, the nature of the liability of the co-perpetrator of a crime or quasi crime, the concept of the amount of repair in case of moral damages and its way of establishing the amount, the differences between moral damage and patrimonial damage and the necessity to use the method of carefully  consideration in the events of conflict of rights are approached by the doctrine and jurisprudence with the occasion of the opinions issued by the judge trying the case in the decision. Even though the judgment was not executed since plaintiff abandoned the action, it disturbed the judicial spheres because of the litigating parties:  the President of the Republic and two journalists.


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Author Biography

Santiago Guarderas Izquierdo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Decano de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (Quito). P.O. Box: 17-01-600.


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How to Cite
Guarderas Izquierdo, S. (2013). Analisys Of The Decision Issued In The Case “The Big Brother”. Ius Humani. Law Journal, 3, 175-188.