Latin American Challenges to Food Sovereignty From a Constititutional Approach

Food sovereignty from a constitutional approach in Latin America

Keywords: food sovereignty, constitutional approach, fundamental right, sustainability, sumak kawsay


Food sovereignty has been addressed from the normative and jurisprudence; However, it is necessary to understand its scope from the internal constitutional in the Latin American region; all this, based on the new paradigm that supposes the conjunction of the agrarian, the food and the environmental within the concept of timely and equitable access to safe food. This led to the analysis of its legal nature as a principle or as a fundamental right from public international law and Latin American Constitutional Law nurtured by Good Living, contrasted with the sustainable development model. From a qualitative documentary research, it was possible to conclude that food sovereignty is defined transversally; however, the mechanisms for its observance do not have State effectiveness in regard to its necessary elements such as opportunity and safety. In Latin America, elements of the rights of peoples are incorporated from the Sumak Kawsay.


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Author Biographies

Frank Luis Mila Maldonado, Universidad de Otavalo

Abogado por la Universidad Santa María, Caracas-Venezuela. Doctor PhD. en Derecho por la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello y Doctor PhD. en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad Santa María, Caracas-Venezuela. Docente titular a tiempo completo de la carrera de Derecho de la Universidad de Otavalo, Ecuador.

Karla Ayerim Yanez Yanez, Universidad de Otavalo

Abogada por la Universidad Santa María, Caracas-Venezuela. Magister en Derecho Constitucional por la Universidad de Otavalo, Ecuador. Docente titular a tiempo parcial de la carrera de Derecho de la Universidad de Otavalo, Ecuador


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How to Cite
Mendoza, P., Mila Maldonado, F., & Yanez Yanez, K. (2023). Latin American Challenges to Food Sovereignty From a Constititutional Approach. Ius Humani. Law Journal, 12(2), 80-96.