Critical Introduction To Natural Law

  • Esteban Javier Mosquera Cabrera Universidad de las Américas
Keywords: Legal Interpretation, Principles, Law, Positive Law, Natural Law


This review provides a comparison between the different editions of the famous work of Hervada, discussed here. The outcome of this analysis arise five new hermeneutical rules that analyze how to interpret positive law or agreement that eventually undermine the natural law. It is also evident that the principles proposed by Hervada are a good basis for general legal hermeneutics.


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Author Biography

Esteban Javier Mosquera Cabrera, Universidad de las Américas
Abogado por la Universidad de las Américas, Quito, 2007. Actualmente se encuentrarealizando una Especialización Superior en Derecho de la Empresa, en la UniversidadAndina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador.
How to Cite
Mosquera Cabrera, E. (2011). Critical Introduction To Natural Law. Ius Humani. Law Journal, 2, 235-247.