Organic Law Of Judicial Guarantees And Constitutional Control

  • Ernesto López Freire Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar
Keywords: Constitutional Law, Organic Law Of Judicial Guarantees And Constitution, Unconstitutionality, Fallacies, Constitution, Organic Law Of Judicial Guarantiees And Constitution


This paper demonstrates the various unconstitutional and fallacies of the Organic Law of Judicial guarantees and Constitutional Control. For that, there will be a comprehensive collation between the mentioned law and the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and force. Through this analysis shows a lack of knowledge of Ecuadorian law or legal science by their authors. This study elucidated, inter alia, the inconsistencies in matters relating to the interpretation of constitutional provisions, full compensation, material and integral; challenge administrative acts, judicial unit.


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How to Cite
López Freire, E. (2011). Organic Law Of Judicial Guarantees And Constitutional Control. Ius Humani. Law Journal, 2, 211-234.