The “Thelos” of Personal Data Protection in Confront of the Right to Access to the Information

  • Javier Nájera Montiel Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Personal Data, Sensitive Information, Information Access, Legal Teleology, Communication Law


This text aims to analyze and study of three high-profile figures, such as the right to information, personal data and privacy, institutions currently have acquired a transcendental value, resulting in new forms of power and handling, tools and control means. Therefore, we first analyzed the right of access to information and personal data then. End this investigation with the study of privacy, as the axiological aspect of the protection of personal data.


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Author Biography

Javier Nájera Montiel, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Licenciado y Maestro en Derecho por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Diplomado en Derecho Penal por la Universidad de Estudios de Postgrado en Derecho. Máster en Informática y Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


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How to Cite
Nájera Montiel, J. (2008). The “Thelos” of Personal Data Protection in Confront of the Right to Access to the Information. Ius Humani. Law Journal, 1(1), 177-199.